Friday, November 16, 2007

>>>Xclusive Interview<<<

Interviewer: Why did you start blogging?
Bhimsen: I always heard about blogging or read someones blog, but never done it before. So, I am getting a good feeling that I am starting to blog. Hope this activity helps me and others.

Interviewer: What do you plan to write?
Bhimsen: Well, I haven't though a great deal about it. However, I get many thoughts many times. All these thoughts are wasted and I wont remember them after some time. It would be better, if I jot them down some where. May be I will get a chance to revisit them and complete the idea.

Interviewer: Is this the reason for choosing the title of the page?
Bhimsen: Exactly, conveys the meaning. This will be the place for me to put down, what I think is relevant. It will be a home of ideas, thoughts, and free opinion.

Interviewer: Thank you Mr. Joshi, waiting to read your blogs, wish you all the best.
Bhimsen: Thank you for taking time for me. I will try to make sure, I wont waste your time and my time.


Unknown said...

Anniyan or APARICHITHUDU style interview

Ali Mc said...

That's really funny! I can relate